Microbiological Quality of  Ready  Made Cake in Gaza strip
Alaa Abo watfa
Esraa Abo watfa
Nesma Saber Alnaffar
Samah Natil


Dr. Abdelraouf A. Elmanama
Chapter 1

1.1  Overview:

Samples collected for surveillance and monitoring purposes are often multi-component products for which there are no microbiological standards or guidelines. Interpreting the significance of the types and levels of microorganisms reported when these foods are tested may therefore be difficult. The purpose of this document is to provide assistance in the interpretation of microbiological analyses of foods where no other microbiological criteria exist.                                                                           

Cream cake is an excellent growth medium for many kinds of microorganisms, as it provides rich nutrient for microorganism, is high in moisture and has neutral pH. The ingredients of cream cake such as chocolate, fruit, milk and butter cream has also perishable food . So, these kinds of ready and semi-ready to food products and cream cake are not shelf stable and pose a potential public health risk if subjected to temperature abuse at any stage of the product's production, storage, distribution and marketing as well as production under unhygienic condition.                                    

These guidelines identify four categories of microbiological quality for ready-to-eat foods ranging from satisfactory to potentially hazardous.   This reflects both the high level of microbiological quality that is achievable for ready-to-eat foods in Gaza  and indicates the level of contamination that is considered to present a significant risk to public health. Follow-up actions appropriate to each category of microbiological quality are also recommended.
The guidelines for the microbiological examination of ready-to-eat foods apply to foods sampled at the point of sale or distribution  to consumers.

1.2 Objective
General objective :
To determine the quality of ready made cake in Gaza.
Specific  objective :
To determine the percentage of cake sample that comply with standard.
- To determine the type of bacteria in Gaza city .
- To determine the rate of hygiene of cake shop in Gaza city.
1.3  Significance

The poor health awareness among workers in the field of food preparation may lead to the spread of many microbes significantly in our society so as to members of the community reliance on prepared food which increase the speed of the spread of microbes if thy do not follow the ways of cleanliness with food preparation so they researchers must be disclosed methods used in the preparation of food caster and special cakes and complains  with the foundations of public hygiene and diagnose the most prevalent type of bacteria in side spread cake places in Gaza  city to reduce the spread of huge and provide a healthy environment.                    

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